Update v3.x Thread

Last updated August 27th, 2024.

This is an update thread for change notes of all v3.x updates. This blog is updated when a new update is released.

Update v3.2


  • Added new Sovereign Citizen achievement


  • Improved smart number processing for /shop sell and /pay
  • You can now use /ores sell without providing an exact amount to sell 1 ore


  • Fixed the "Hello, World" achievement not being given properly

Update v3.1.7


  • Fixed a bug causing new users not being properly initialized when using an economy command for the first time

Update v3.1.6


  • Fixed smart number processing in /pay (using "all", "half", etc. was not working as intended)
  • Fixed a bug causing the price of purchasing a pet to return to 150 :runecoin: instead of 100 :runecoin:

Update v3.1.5


  • Fixed calling the police after being /robbed not awarding 25 coins to the victim and not removing 100 from the thief

Update v3.1.4


  • /achievements now displays incomplete achievements first


  • Minor bug fixes

Update v3.1.3


  • Fixed bank account names only registering the first word of the name if there was more than one
  • Fixed a bug with /business list erroring out due to an employee name not being able to be fetched

Update v3.1.2


  • Improved smart item processing in /shop and /inventory commands involving an item input


  • Improved /trivia error handling to prevent erroring out without an error message
  • Fixed a rare bug with /inventory view erroring out due to an invalid item type

Update v3.1.1


  • Fixed /business work erroring out when trying to work at a business type you didn't own
  • Fixed /mute erroring out when providing a time that was not in a format like "5m", "2d", etc.

Update v3.1

Command Changes

  • Bank related commands are now grouped in the /bank slash command group
  • /openaccount --> /bank openaccount
  • /closeaccount --> /bank closeaccount
  • /bankinfo --> /bank info (also now displays info for Rune Inc)


  • Rename bank accounts using /bank renameaccount [new name]
  • View your bank accounts directly using /bank view (member)


  • /bank info now correctly displays the number of bank accounts open at this bank


  • Removed the Version 3 announcement embed from being displayed when viewing your balance

Update v3.0.4


  • Fixed an issue with logging events failing due to a datetime bug

Update v3.0.3


  • Added a Decline Contract button to contract offers from businesses
  • Revamped the visuals for the Accept Contract button


  • Fixed an issue with some new commands not having a slash (/) command equivalent
  • Fixed an issue with servers not automatically getting a database entry when adding the bot

Update v3.0.2


  • Added /business delete to delete a business you own.


  • Fixed /business hire not actually registering employees.

Update v3.0.1


  • /blackjack now has a small coins reward for winning


  • Fixed /leaderboard sometimes crashing due to uncached members
  • Fixed Mining Operation not awarding coins upon completion
  • Fixed Airport mini-game not starting
  • Fixed a rare case where /business list would fail due to being unable to get the name of the server a business was created in

Update v3.0

Revamped Banking system

  • Open a bank account using /openaccount (name).
  • You can open up to 3 bank accounts in a bank!
  • View your bank accounts through /balance.
  • Currently the only bank is Rune Inc, player made banks are planned.
  • Deposit and withdraw asks you to select a bank account if more than 1 is open.
  • Banks hold cash, reserves, liabilities/assets and balances like real banks!
     --> Use /bankinfo to view these values.

Revamped Business system

  • Start a business using /business create [name], then pick a business type.
  • Hire employees with /business hire [@user].
  • Hired employees (and the owner) can work at the business through /business list.
  • Fire employees with /business fire [@user].
  • Complete minigames once a day to earn coins!
  • New businesses: Mining Operation and Lumber Mill!


  • Help you learn the game!
  • View your progress using /achievements.

Other changes

  • Wiped wallet and bank account balances
  • Replaced medkit and bandages with /pet heal (+15 health for 10 Rune Coins)
  • /pay now uses smart amount processing (1,000 | 1_000 | 1k are valid inputs)
  • /shop sell now has an optional amount parameter with smart processing
  • Trivia cooldown increased to 15s to prevent API ratelimits
  • Performance improvements: Shop items are now stored locally, faster load times
  • Removed no longer supported /compare - will return in the future!
  • Removed unpopular Runeordle mini-game - no one will miss it.