Update v2.x Thread

Last updated January 28th, 2024.

This is a thread containing change notes of all v2.x updates.

Update v2.18.2


  • Pet prices decreased to 100 from 150
  • Digging no longer requires a button press
  • Recipes are now displayed with the emojis of the associated items
  • Hug responds with text instead of an embed to be consistent with kill

Update v2.18.1


  • Rob chance increased 33% -> 40%

Bug fixes

  • Fixed being able to rob people with 0 or a negative amount of coins

Update v2.18


  • 1 shovel, silencer, and hunting rifle removed after JS heist completion
  • Crime cooldown reduced from 2 hours to 30 minutes
  • Beg cooldown reduced from 15 minutes to 10 minutes
  • Search cooldown reduced from 15 minutes to 10 minutes
  • Dig cooldown reduced from 30 minutes to 20 minutes
  • Hunt cooldown reduced from 30 minutes to 20 minutes
  • Fish cooldown reduced from 30 minutes to 20 minutes
  • Updated economy tutorial to include Pets
  • Grenade item is now hidden (deprecated)
  • Shield item is now hidden (deprecated)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issues with the logging system
     --> Logs should now work as intended
  • Fixed autorole

Update v2.17


  • /setnickname in the Moderator category, allows moderators to set nicknames for server members with ease


  • A "Play Again" button now appears after a game of /blackjack to quickly start another one!
  • /serverinfo has received a revamp with more information
  • Improved blackjack card logic, with bug fixes to how ACEs are handled
  • Several Moderator commands now have better "success" messages

Update v2.16


  • /rob is here to replace the /grenade and shield system!
     --> 33% chance to successfully steal someone's wallet regardless of how many coins it contains
     --> Unsuccessful robberies give the victim a 2 minute window to call the police on you and arrest you, resulting in a 100 :runecoin: fine
  • A new business is joining our family - The Chocolate Factory!
     --> Check it out using /business list and buy it using /business buy

Update v2.15

QoL Changes
  • /wood sell now has an amount parameter to specify the amount of wood you would like to sell
     --> Previously all of your wood would be sold immediately, this gives more freedom with your materials and consistency with other parts of the bot
  • Number processing!
     --> You can now use values such as all, max, 3k, 1_000_000, 5,000, half, and quarter when entering numbers in commands
     --> Currently this has been implemented in /wood sell and /ores sell. Coming to more commands soon!
  • The paginator (left/right buttons) for browsing command categories in /help has been improved
     --> Added "First Page" and "Last Page" options to jump to the start/end
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed /help not working when providing a command name

Update v2.14


I am excited to announce the newest addition to Rune's Economy: Pets!

Take care of pets and they will take care of you!

Pets have stats that need to be controlled to keep them happy. This is done by playing with, washing, and feeding your pet. In return, happy pets will bring you goodies every day!

The following commands have been added:
/pet shop
/pet buy
/pet view
/pet play
/pet feed
/pet wash
/pet remove
Did your pet get hurt? Heal it with the new Bandage and Medkit items from the shop!

Command Usage Updates

Some command usage changes are being made for consistency across all commands and to free up space for more commands to be added!

Slash commands
/shop --> /shop view
/buy --> /shop buy
/sell --> /shop sell
/inventory --> /inventory view
/use --> /inventory use
/balance --> /balance view
/upgrade --> /balance upgrade
/upgrades --> /balance upgades

Message commands
!!shop, !!inventory, and !!balance can still be used without having "view" at the end, in these cases Rune just displays the "view" version of the command.

However, sell, buy, use, upgrade and upgrades can only be used as subcommands from now on (i.e. !!shop buy, !!inventory use, etc...)

Update v2.13

Economy profile badges are now available to purchase! These appear on your Economy profile when someone views your /balance.

The badges command is now a group command, meaning you can provide a subcommand.

The following subcommands have been added:
badges view (default)
badges list
badges buy [badge]
badges hide [badge]
badges unhide [badge]

I suggest using the buy, hide, and unhide commands with the / prefix because there's an autocomplete for badge selection!

Badges cost 100 coins.

Other changes
- !!profile can now be used as an alias to !!balance
- Added "Heists" information card to tutorial
- The Big Banker badge (account worth 5000+) now always appears at the top
- Other minor improvements

Update v2.12

I'm excited to announce the long awaited Heists Update is now available!

The new heists are interactive, intense, and story-driven mini-games. Start your criminal career by pulling off the crime of the decade - robbing the largest Jewellery Store in the country!

Try the new heist command and earn 200 coins by completing the Jewellery Store heist!

What are the requirements for the Jewellery Store Heist?
- A shovel item (must be crafted) in your inventory
- Enough coins in your wallet to pay the set-up fee (50)
- A criminal mindset. Think like a robber!

How often can I complete the Jewellery Store Heist?
The Jewellery Store Heist can be completed once every 3 days.

What about the Casino Heist?
The Casino Heist will arrive in a future update!

Update v2.11

Wordle (Officially Runeordle): A new way to earn coins has landed on your doorstep!
Guess the randomly selected 5 letter word in 6 guesses or less!

Rune will help you by highlighting letters in your guessed words using the following rules:
Correct spot: Green highlight
Wrong spot but in word: Yellow highlight
Not in word: Red highlight

Earn Rune Coins!
Win: +10 coins
Loss: -5 coins
Cooldown: 30m

The /wordle mini-game can be found in the Economy category.

Update v2.10

- Increased /trivia payout to 2 coins from 1 - Removed /banNewAccounts
- Logging preferences such as message edit are now DISABLED by default
- Uptime in stats and uptime is now displayed modularly (i.e. either days+hours, hours+minutes, or minutes+seconds depending on bot uptime)

The Heists Update is under way!
I am hard at work to bring the revamped and expanded heists update to Rune as soon as possible. You can see sneak-peeks in our Discord server.
- Added silencer item to shop. Attach it to your hunting rifle to stay silent during heists.

Update v2.9


- Addded daily command: Can be used once per day for a reward of 30 coins
- Added a basic tutorial: Automatically prompted for new users, can also be accessed using "/tutorial"
- Added /ores sellall: Sell all of your ores at once!


- Updated help command to use "/" prefix before command names

Update v2.8


The crafting system is here!
- Added recipes command
- Added craft command
- Removed fishing rod, hunting rifle, and shovel from Economy shop (only craftable now)
You can craft a shovel, fishing rod, or a hunting rifle by combining wood, stone, and silver.
More recipes will be added in the future!


Wait, Wood?
- Added Axe item
- Added chop command
- Added wood view command
- Added wood sell command
Gather wood by using the new Axe item! Wood can be sold or used to craft items.


Mining system changes
- Removed ore holding capacity
- Changed pickaxe item to single use with 10m cooldown
- Changed all ores to be valued at 3 Rune Coins
- Removed aluminium ore and added stone, sand and dirt
- Reworked ores sell command to accept a specific ore to sell and how much of that ore to sell

Mining and selling ores


- Added showerthought command
Randomly generated shower thoughts!

- Added coinflip comman
Ever wanted to flip a coin on Discord?

- Added 8ball command
The honest 8-ball will answer all your questions

- Added antijoke command
Generates a random anti-joke.


- Added movechannel command
Change a channel's category!

- Added setchannelname command
Change a channel's name!

- Added setchanneltopic command
Change a channel's description!.


- Sorted commands displayed in "help" alphabetically

- Added stats command
Look up the bot's latency, uptime, the number of servers it is in, and how many users it can see.


- Added ignoreuser command

Update v2.7


- Removed bank levels 16, 17, and 18 (unused since economy wipe)

- Blackjack bets now work using +100% / -100% if you win or lose instead of previous 20% reward/penalty
- Numberguesser bets now work using +50% / -50% if you win or lose instead of previous 20% reward/penalty
- Lower penalty boundary for unsuccessful crimes increased from 1 coin to 4 coins (now between 4 and 15 coins penalty)

- Removed gold coin from the shop
- Rumoved Rune Diamond from the shop
- Removed energy bar from the shop

- Removed ore backpack
- Increased ore holding capacity from 4 to 6

- Inventory and badges commands now display a message if empty
- Balance command no longer shows local leaderboard place
- Removed "Risk Taker" badge

- Balance, deposit, withdraw, blackjack, and numberguesser made available as slash commands
- Added slash command parameter descriptions to all economy commands with parameters

Update v2.6


- Added !!badges (@Member/ID) command to view your (or someone else's) badges
- New airport business
Cost: 1500
Income: 145 (level 1) -> 165 (level 3)
Cost per upgrade: 250

Slash Commands

All commands are now available in slash form (except for the logging category).

Update v2.5

Slash commands: Information

- Added slash command form for help

Slash commands: Economy

- Added slash command form for business, fish, dig, hunt, mine, heist, upgrade, upgrades


- Decreased minimum wallet requirement to grenade someone (200 coins -> 100 coins)
- Added more badges to economy profiles (Risk taker, Big Banker)
- Fixed leaderboard "You are # in the leaderboard" bottom text

Update v2.4

Businesses rework

- Businesses no longer generate revenue by themselves, require user to work by completing a mini-game to earn income from that business
- Businesses are be cheaper, but award less coins
- The work command was removed and replaced with !!business work [business ID]
- You can work at each business you own once a day
- Each business has a unique task that the user can fail, resulting in no income from that business for that day
- Previously purchased businesses were wiped, everyone starts with no businesses

The new businesses should now be a lot more affordable as they are no longer targeted towards the already rich users in the economy. Hopefully this is something that brings a new and refreshing economy experience to all of you!

Update v2.3

Economy changes

- Removed the 1% chance to receive a 50 coin fine when using fish, hunt, or dig
- Increased fish, hunt, and dig
payouts from 2-9 coins to 3-10 coins

Moderator changes

- Removed vote command
- All commands are now available in slash form
--> Moderator commands are hidden from non-mods using Discord's new permissions system. You can choose who can see and use these commands by going to Server Settings -> Integrations -> Rune

Update v2.2

- [Redacted business changes since businesses were reworked in v2.4]
- Added bank levels 16, 17, 18
- Adjusted prices for bank level upgrades and maximum capacity for each bank level (use !!upgrades to view)

Update v2.1

- Added Energy Bar item in the !!shop
- Added limit to how many of the same item you can have in your inventory (up to 50)
- Minor visual changes to !!shop
- Added !!uptime command to view the bot's uptime
- Added limit of 120 days for banNewAccounts
- Revamped !!help to work with pages, takes up less space
- Simplified the welcome message sent when adding Rune to your server

That's all for now! A lot of this comes from your feedback - share your thoughts in our Discord server.